The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @Sascha_Foerster ever

July 9th, 2013

@christof77 Ich finde bei dig. Infrastrukturen sollte man gleich global denken. 1) Winner takes it all. 2) Internet ist ohne Grenzen.

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Until now at least, there are not many scientists using Social Media at . Instead: Scanning the name list in the printed programme.

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Tomorrow we will present the results of the revitalization of the German post-war children study.…

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Heute: Tweets aus Stockholm. Den Hashtag darf man auch muten, noch besser: Lesen! :)
MT: Hastag for @ECP2013 is:

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ECP2013 Hastag for @ECP2013 for the real-time online congress conversation, is:

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